of Economics,
of Business and Finance
Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
Universiti, Bandar Barat
Kampar, Perak, Malaysia
05-4688888 ext 1035
at IDEAS: http://ideas.repec.org/e/pwo108.html
At SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1445050
Complete C.V
and administrative appointments (Selected)
- Associate Professor,
January 2016
- Assistant Professor,
Department of Economics, March 2013 – December 2015
- Visiting Research Fellow,
Stockholm China Economic Research Institute (SCERI), Stockholm School of
Economics, 2014-2015.
- Head of Department, Jan
2012 – Aug 2014
- PhD thesis accepted
with distinction, Universiti Putra Malaysia (December, 2012)
Thesis: Macroeconomics
of Vertically Globalized Production
- Master of Economics, 2005,
Universiti Malaya
paper: Macroeconomic Implications of Return on Bank Reserves
- Bachelor of Economics (Hons),
2001, Universiti Malaya
Project paper:
Understanding Malaysian Financial Crises in Minskian Framework
1. Prices vs. quantities: What’s
new? A perspective of input-output DSGE model with directed technical change
and uncertainty, (revised and resubmitted to Macroeconomic Dynamics)
2. Tapering the U.S carbon emissions
during good times: Evidence from nonlinear ARDL (under review)
3. Do RMBI and capital account liberalization
complement China’s industrial upgrading? A New Keynesian view (under
4. What
shape the spillovers of China’s industrial upgrading and renminbi
internationalization to ASEAN? Lessons from a New Keynesian model of endogenous
firm entry and invoicing currency.
5. Policy uncertainty as aggregate
demand or supply shocks to emerging economies? Role of global value chains and
export pricing strategy.
- Eng, Y.K., Wong, C.Y., Asymmetric
growth effect of capital flows: Evidence and quantitative theory, Article
in press, Economic System.
(Working paper version)
- Wong, C.Y., Eng, Y.K.
(2015), Surviving
asymmetry in capital flows and the business cycles: Role of prudential
capital controls. Review of Development Economics 19(3),
(Working paper version)
- Wong, C.Y., Eng, Y.K.,
Habibullah, M.S. (2014), Rising
China, Anxious Asia? A Bayesian New Keynesian View, China Economic
Review 28, 90-106.
paper version)
- Wong, C.Y., Eng, Y.K.
(2013), International
business cycle comovement and vertical specialization reconsidered in
multistage Bayesian DSGE model, International Review of Economics
and Finance 26, 109-124.
Paper version)
- Eng, Y.K., Wong, C.Y.,
Habibullah, M.S. (2012). Endogenous
structural breaks and real exchange rates stationarity in Asia: empirics
and theory, Journal of Korean Trade 16(3), 23-42.
- Wong, C.Y., Eng, Y.K.,
(2012). Asset
price boom-bust as elastic money response to technological shock, Economics
Letters 114(3), 292-295.
- Wong, C.Y., Eng, Y.K., (2012)
Transmission of
Japan’s shocks to Southeast Asia: can open-economy New Keynesian model
account for the facts? International Journal of Economics and
Management 6(2), 417-445.
- Wong, C.Y., Eng, Y.K., (2010).
globalized production structure in New Keynesian Phillips curve. The
North American Journal of Economics and Finance 21(2), 198-216.
- Eng, Y.K., Wong, C.Y.,
(2008). A
short note on business cycles of underground output: are they asymmetric?
Economics Bulletin 3(58), 1-10.
editorials & short writings
1. This time is different,
2. “中国梦,亚洲痛?” (English version: China’s gain, Asian pain?),
8/4/2013, 南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pao).
3. “2012 财政预算案谜思” (The myth of Budget 2012),
Part 1 (20/10/2011), Part 2 (21/10/2011), Part 3 (23/10/2011), 南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pao).
Grants and awards
- Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, RM73000 on “Making
GST Works for and Accepted by All Malaysians: From Tax Design to
Implementation”, 2015-2017.
- Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, RM85348 on “Constructing
a Malaysian Wellbeing Index as a Comprehensive Measurement for Economic
Performance and Social Progress”, 2015-2017.
- Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, RM57000 on “Firewall
against Virulent Capital Flows: Institutional Design and Mechanism”,
- MOSTI e-Science Fund,
Ministry of Science, Technology and Information, Malaysia, RM98537 on “Investigating
Pollution Haven Hypothesis in a Model of Production Fragmentation and
Trade”, 2014-2016.
- Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, RM25000 on “Betting
on the rise of China: beneficial or detrimental to Malaysia?”, 2011-2012.
- 13th ZEW Summer
Workshop for Young Economist, Euro 1500.
- 12th
International Convention of East Asian Economic Association traveling
subsidies, 25000 Japanese yen.
- 11th
International Convention of East Asian Economic Association traveling
subsidies, USD300.
- The American University of Paris (AUP) Scholarship for 10th Annual Meeting of Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), Euro 800.
- The Best 22 Papers Award,
1st Asian Finance Association Doctoral Colloquium.
Other professional affiliations
Research Fellow, GLT Capital Advisor, Malaysia
Senior Associate, Anbound Research Centre,
Malaysia Branch.
Updated : 3/1/2016